
It has been a while since we have posted on here. Many things have happened since our last post. Way to many to even possibly try and mention.Sadly, since the last post, we have lost Ms Deborah Sharp. She was, is and will always be a part of everything here at Big Tyme.

APA leagues start back up on September 12th. We now have APA on Mondays (9-ball), Tuesdays (8-ball), and Thursdays (8-ball). We also have BCA on Wednesdays and a new league starting on Fridays called GoldCup Trophy League. For more information on any of our leagues, please make sure to visit the League & Tournaments section on this website. We are so grateful for all of our league players and can’t wait for the new sessions to begin!

We are gearing up to have a busy couple of months with tournaments! We have several APA tournaments, On the Ball tournament, Poison Lone Star, Gulf Coast Womens and our Space City Open X coming! You can find all of this under the Events tab. It is definitely going to be exciting and you are not going to want to miss out!

Make sure to stay caught up on everything Big Tyme. We will be updating more on the website and facebook to make sure to keep everyone in the loop. We are excited to see what is in store for Big Tyme here and want to make sure everyone is joining us on all these adventures!

That’s about it for now! 

Until next time…… 

PS. Big Tyme Billiards is currently hiring for bartenders and servers. If you know anyone, have them stop by and fill out an application! 

#billiards #pooltournaments #bigtymebilliards #springtx